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Our Days

Our Philosophy

We believe that life doesn’t end with memory loss. And that those with memory loss can still have great days, filled with meaning, joy, and purpose. We try to make every day the Best Day Ever for our clients. Want to have a great day? This is your place!

Activity Groups

Each day is jam packed with engaging activities. These activities are age-appropriate and designed to support the strengths and interests of our participants.

We have 5 different activity groups. Participants with similar levels of cognitive functioning are placed in groups together. This placement ensures activities are appropriate to the individual’s abilities – challenging and fun but not frustrating.

We will encourage your loved one to participate in their group’s activities, but your loved one may choose to participate in another group or individual activity. We will always treat your loved one with dignity and honor their choices.

February Activity Calendar

Day at a Glance

7:00 am Center Opens
7:00 am Coffee and Conversation
7:30 – 8:45 am Breakfast
9:15 am Meet and Greet
9:30 am Activity Groups
10:30 am Activity Groups
11:30 -12:20 pm Lunch
12:30 pm Activity Groups
1:30 pm Activity Groups
2:30 pm Special Performance or Concert
3:15 pm Movin’ and Groovin’ Chair Exercises
3:45 pm Snack
4:00 pm Word or Table Games
5:00 pm Magazine and Music Hour
6:00 pm Center Closes

Small group activities could include art classes, pottery, music, active games, yoga, outdoor activities in the garden, themed activity boxes, etc. Transition times are scheduled in between activities to cue for using the restroom and drinking water.