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Caregiver Support

Care & Share

monthly blog posts featuring advice, life hacks, and encouragement for those caring for a loved one with memory loss

Dignity and Respect

Dignity is defined by Merriam-Webster as, “the quality or state of being worthy, honored or esteemed.”  Respect is defined as, “to consider worthy of high regard: esteem.” Every person is entitled to dignity and respect as a human. We want these things for ourselves. For those with memory impairment, the desire for dignity and respect... Read more »

How to Get a Urine Sample

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can cause a lot of trouble – more than you might think. For people living with dementia, something as simple as collecting a urine sample can be a challenge for any number of reasons. To put it in perspective, in just the general geriatric population, UTIs are responsible for 25% of... Read more »

Try a Support Group

Recently, in a caregiver support group meeting, I asked the question: “If you wrote a book about your caregiving journey, what would the title be?” Here are some of the answers that were given: Why Am I the Target? Oh, Crap! God Will Get Me Through This Step by Step The Day Everything Became About... Read more »

Caregiver Newsletter

Subscribe to our monthly caregiver email, Caregiver Connection. At the first of each month, we’ll send you an email with a list of caregiver support groups and a Care & Share blog post.

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caregivers present their cookies from cookie decorating class

Support Groups

When you think “support groups,” you may think awkward, boring, sad, and scary. Our support groups are anything but! Join us for fun and informative caregiver support groups. Get your questions answered, learn, meet new friends, and have a great time. All are welcome.