Benefits of Adult Day Services for Caregivers
Wednesday May 21, 2014
Earlier in May, the Commercial Appeal and other local newspapers featured a wonderful article on the benefits of adult day services for caregivers. The article references a study conducted by researchers at Penn State and the University of Texas at Austin. This study found that, on days their loved one participated in an adult day program, caregivers showed increased levels of a hormone that fights off the negative effects of stress and is associated with better health. You can read more about that research here on Penn State’s website.
This research tells what we have long known: that adult day programs are beneficial for those with memory loss, the frail elderly, AND their caregivers. If you didn’t get to read the Commercial Appeal article, we’ve linked a downloadable pdf of it below:
We hope that you’re encouraged by the good things going on at Page Robbins and in other adult day programs and that you will tell someone about these good things. Many don’t know that adult day programs exist. Seize the day, spread the word, and help us provide hope and happy days by sharing with others.